Time Studies for the South African Forest Industry

Standards for Time Studies for the South African Forest Industry


This website was developed as a portal for Time Study standards developed for the South African Forest Industry. These standards provide a common methodology for the South African Forestry Industry and their implementation will align the South African Forestry Industry with international forest operations development. These standards have been accepted as the norm by South African Industry associates for use in the Industry.

Functions of the website include:

  • Brief introduction to time studies
  • Decision support tool to help select the appropriate time study technique for different objectives
  • Documentation including the complete guidelines and time study forms
  • Production database to store study information [to be completed]
  • Statistical analysis decision support tool and analysis program [to be completed]

Parts of this site are still under construction. Any feedback is welcome at this time. Please see our contacts page to get in touch.

Project Collaborators

Industry Associates